We’ve all been there. We’ve done the responsible thing and gone to bed early, knowing we have a big day ahead. Maybe we’re planning to go window-shopping on the streets of a big city. Or perhaps we’ll be off to catch the trout of our dreams – a real whopper! Now we find ourselves nestled beneath the covers, and we’re just moments from dozing off. A great night of sleep awaits.
And then – SQUEAK! What in the world was that? The dreaded sound of the bed frame’s springs has stirred us back to full consciousness. “Where are the beds that don’t squeak?” you find yourself asking.
Bad at Home, Worse on the Road
It’s bad enough when this occurs in our own bedrooms. However, the situation is worsened when we’re away at camp or staying in a hostel while traveling. And what makes it worse still is the fact that these situations often mean that we’re sharing a room with other people. Now the squeaking isn’t just annoying to us – it’s ruining everyone’s night. Now nobody’s a happy camper – and they’re all pointing fingers at you.
Non-Squeaky Bed Frames and More (Yes, You Read That Right!)
Desperate for a solution, some of us will oil the springs. But what a mess and what a hassle! We’ve tightened loose parts, flipped mattresses – whatever it takes. What have we done to deserve such a fate?
Well, fortunately, there’s a solution at hand – and it comes in the form of a bunk bed from ESS Universal. You see, these quality, well-designed bunk beds have non-squeaky bed frames. How is this possible? Well, it’s very simple. There are no springs involved to grow loud with wear and tear. Indeed, these are beds that don’t squeak.
Additionally, bunk beds from ESS Universal have water-resistant mattresses that are easy to keep clean. And the covers on these mattresses make no noise, even if you’re tossing and turning. So you’ll truly have a quiet night of sleep at last.
The sturdy metal bed frames are easy to assemble. No frustrating, impossible-to-comprehend instructions or back-breaking work here! Less time agonizing, more time sleeping. And of course, bunk beds reduce the need for large amounts of space.
Who Reaps the Benefits?
Adults and children alike will enjoy a non-squeaky bed frame as they rest up for a day of camping, exploring, or sightseeing. No more eardrum-piercing squeaks! Simply turn to one of ESS Universal’s sleek bunk beds for maximum comfort and maximum z’s. They’ll help you avoid angry adults and cranky kids, especially when you’re on the go!
Do yourself a favor. No, scratch that. Do your friends, family, and fellow campers and travelers a favor. Get rid of that awful squeaky mess that pretends to be a bed. Get yourself a bunk bed from ESS Universal and get the rest you deserve. And if you own a hostel or camp, provide your visitors with a noiseless night and leave them feeling the desire to return.
Non-Squeak Beds from ESS Universal
Dallas Single over Double Bunk Bed
Our Dallas Single Over Double Bunk Bed offers remarkable convenience without sacrificing an ounce of structural integrity. It features commercial-strength steel tubing with six box section cross members and heavy metal mesh panels. The sturdy single over double bunk bed frame is bed bug resistant, and custom colors are available.
For more information & photos: Dallas Single Over Double Bunk Bed
Missouri Single over Single Bunk Bed
Each platform in our Missouri Single over Single bunk bed is rated at 600 lbs. The frames’ foot boards and end boards are even thicker than our Dallas Single over Single bunk bed. These additional strength-building features make this sturdy single over single bunk bed the sturdiest option in our line-up.
For more information & photos: Missouri Single over Single Bunk Bed
Dallas Single over Single Bunk Bed
The Dallas Single Over Single Bunk Bed, used around the globe, is the go-to choice for camps, university dorms, missions/shelters, employee housing, fire departments, law enforcement, government, and more. Each platform holds up to 500 lbs, supported by 6 box section cross members and a heavy-duty wire mesh.
For more information & photos: Dallas Single over Single Bunk Bed
Dallas Triple Bunk Bed
The Dallas Triple is supported by six box section cross members with metal mesh panels. Each platform holds up to 400 lbs. This ultra-durable sturdy triple bunk bed is a great option for those wanting to maximize floor space, in your bunkhouses, camps, hostels, and homes with large families.
For more information & photos: Dallas Triple Bunk Bed
Missouri Detachable Single over Single Bunk Bed
ESS brings perhaps the strongest and most sturdy detachable bunk bed on the market. Here we combine the ultimate superiority in strength, with the ability to detach and create two single beds. Each bunk bed in this series features a sleek, modern aesthetic with squared ends.
For more information & photos: Missouri Detachable Single over Single Bunk Bed

ESS Universal manufactures and supplies high-quality, cost-effective commercial grade beds, mattresses, and furniture to camps, hostels, shelters, dorms and more. View our entire line of furniture products including our popular waterproof foam mattress for institutional use, single metal bed frames, single over single bunk beds, single over double bunk beds, and triple bunk beds. Download our catalog for detailed information on our complete product line.