Triple Bunk Beds Optimize Space and Increase Revenue
Triple bunk beds are a small investment that will repay itself many times over.
Picture your hostel with double bunk beds, now see it with triple bunk beds. More guests equals greater profit.
In congested cities like London, where space is at a premium often there is more space above the second tier that could be utilized. Travelers want to put their head down for the night and want a safe, secure sleeping place.
Triple Bunk Beds Increase Hostel Revenue by 33%
So if you have eight double bunk beds in a room that equals 16 customers per night. Over a week with full occupancy that comes to 112 customers.
With triple bunk beds take those 8 bunks and times it by 3, that makes 24 customers per night, and 168 customers per week.
You can see an increase in your revenue by 33%.
Good Looking, Safe and Secure
With 33% additional profit, you may be wondering about safety.
The Dallas Triple bunk bed safety features:
- They weigh in at 91 kg.
- Foot plates on bottoms of all four legs so you can attach them firmly to the floor – stops the most restless sleeper from moving the platform.
- Designed with square tubular steel- built to take a pack.
There is plenty of room between each platform, so that an adult can sit up. The actual height of the triple tier bunk bed is 2200 mm.
If you may be lacking head space for our triple bunk beds then we can make them to order, to help you increase your revenue.