Moving from your bed to bunk beds in a university dorm: is it really that bad?
Sharing bunk beds in a university dorm can cause tension and can even distance you from your room-mate; very often this tension can even end in tears but of course that is the worst case scenario. Being made to sleep, breathe and share a small room with someone they’re bound to eventually get into your hair, under your skin for many different reasons. Choose your room-mate wisely!
Campus life and bunk beds, it’s a must do
Don’t let me put you off; the campus dormitory experience is a must-do while you are at university! If you are considering giving dorm life a miss, absolutely don’t! It’s not only the best way to meet people but it’s also a time of your life you will never forget and quite possibly make friends for life. For some of you it will be the first time away from home but come on, most of us have slept on bunk beds at summer camp sharing with the smelly as well as the odd psychopath but we all remember those days as fun and crazy. If you only do a few semesters in a campus bunk bed you will gain fabulous experiences and it can actually be fun. We are all aware that learning through fun works; albeit sometimes from a room with the basics, a school desk or table, a bunk bed, metal wardrobe you sometimes have to fight for territory and maybe some school chairs.

University dormitories these days are modern and clean
When I first arrived at my campus dorm my biggest fear was co-ed bathrooms, students running around a white tiled room naked as they all kept the white towel robe tightly embraced, though I can tell you it simply isn’t always true. Many university dormitories these days are modern and clean, even metal bunk beds that no longer squeak and more often that not a bathroom in each dorm! I can also assure you that if you do have to share a multi/coed bathroom the awkwardness of seeing the opposite sex soon diminishes in time.
The best advice I can give is to just do it
So you might get a bad or untidy roommate, dealing with dorm-room limited space, showering sometimes in co-ed bathrooms, so many things to NOT think about when you move away from your parents nest. The best advice I can give is to just do it! Take each day like a new adventure, a chance to hook up with some really helpful people, people just like you who are there to get the most from studies, albeit from a small campus room and dorm bunk beds!
Guilt for making you sleep on metal bunk beds again
I am most fortunate to have a dorm with a kitchen. I shared with 2 others who like me were mostly broke only having part time jobs but even that turned into fun as we would invent concoctions that we called a curry nosh up! A few dollars each thrown into the kitty made us fab meals which sometimes tasted good and sometimes didn’t taste good! And if all else fails there is the good old credit card which buys pizza, even better if that credit card is charged by your parents probably out of guilt for making you sleep on metal bunk beds again! This of course is great if it’s the day after the big night, there is mostly always leftover pizza on the kitchen counter and if you are even more lucky, in your bunk bed too!