Finding real commercial heavy duty military-bunk-beds online from a photo can be daunting so this is partly why brand power is vital
Finding real commercial heavy duty military-bunk-beds online from a photo can be daunting, brand power gives assurance that what you expect is what is delivered and very often, so much more. ESS Unversal UK like the rest of the globe have heavily researched customer's purchasing results, very often the client did not recieve what they expected; on a few occassions the image of the military type bunk bed on suppliers websites were not what was actually delivered, instead the customer had received a domestic flimsy type bunk bed type, needless to say this large investment needs research and close scrutiny! With the market saturated with so called adult bunk beds, again it is hard to choose, a good indication is price, with steel seeing highest rates for many years, what seems to be a great price for a true commercial adult bunk bed may end up being a poor investment. With the ESS Universal Dallas D2 range, the total weight of steel alone is 76 kilogrammes, this is the real assembled weight of a true commercial bunk bed frame compared with 28 kilos on a domestic model. Doing the maths whereby steel tube is currently hitting the US$1000 per ton and giving only 16 Dallas bunk beds per ton, the maths soon tell the factual story. To get longevity from a bunk bed frame it always pays to choose correctly, choosing ESS Universal in your country assures the client of top brand professionalism and of course finding the right heavy duty militaty-bunk-beds-solution. ESS Universal products are tried and tested over 12 years, have built a loyal portfolio of contract bunk bed users such as universities, camps, adventure parks, military and even employee accommodation. You can find an ESS Universal representative in your country, somply visit our website and choose your country of interest.